Using the CC-2 cable and the YZ-T programming software on a PC, the user can set up the YZ-T tool, view trace data, and save data from the tool.
Note: The CC-2 cable is different than the CC-1 cable that is used to program a YZ-T tool with a PC-1
Video of Procedure:
Note: Your PC may require the installation of a driver to be able to recognize the tool. Please see the bottom of this article for instructions on how to load the driver.
Written Procedure:
- To install the software, download and extract the file attached to this article to your local PC.
- Leaving the folder and file structure as it is - run the file named, "YZTWindowsTool.exe"
- Then connect the CC-2 to the YZ-T tool, with the battery already attached
- Pull the trigger of the tool
- On the lower right hand of the software screen, you should see the software version of the tool, which is your indication that the tool is successfully connected to the PC
- Then, please click on the 'ALL SAVE' button, and you should see the data from the tool sent to the software on your PC
- Note: Please make sure that the correct USB port is selected from the SETTING>COM menu
- After loading the data, you should see the setting value and trace that is stored on the tool
- You can click on each section of the setting data to change the value
- Once all desired changes are made, click 'WRITE' to send the data to YS-T tool
- After this, you can disconnect the cable and run the tool as desired.
Note: In the event that the program starts in Japanese language instead of English, click on the top section as show below and reboot the file again.
How to load the USB driver:
Your PC may not recognize the tool and you will have to install a driver to get it to work correctly.
The Driver can be found in the '' file attached to this article.
- Download the driver file and extract it to your hard driver where you can find it
- You first need to uninstall the incorrect drivers on your computer. In Windows, go to Control Panel then to Device Manager
- Now press the delete button on your computer and it will ask for confirmation.
- Collapse the Ports menu and now click on the USB controller at the bottom of the list.
- Now you need to uninstall the existing USB Serial Converter.
- Disconnect the USB cable from your PC
- A new yellow flagged item will appear FT232R USB UART
- Right Click on FT232R USB UART
- Select Update Driver Software
- Now you need to find where you extracted the drivers from the file you downloaded above and point the software to the directory.
- The driver software for USB Serial Converter has been installed
- The USB Serial Convertor is now installed. Next you have to install the port. If you are old enough to remember software modems then you will recall that it was done in the same manner.
- The yellow flagged item will have changed name to USB Serial Port
- Right Click on USB Serial Port
- Select Update Driver Software
- The driver software for the Port is in the same directory where you had the other drivers which you had just installed.
- The Serial Port will now install and that will be the final installation. There should be no yellow flags any more and you should now be able to connect to the tool with the procedure in the video above.
1 comment
Hello Jeff.
Thank you for this article, it has benn very helpfull for me.
But I have a problem...
After installing the drivers attached in the article, when I open the toll and click in Read I get the messeage: TOOL DISCONNECTED.
I unnistall and reinstall the drivers many times but with the same result...
Do you have any idea about what could be the problem?
Thank you very much in advance.
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