After downloading the stored cycle data from the Yokota WU-1 Wireless Receiver, this article serves as a guide on how to view and interpret the downloaded cycle data using your PC.
- Initially, the data will be exported to the 'backup' folder of the USB driver as a '.txt' file and will appear like this when opened using 'Notepad' on your PC
- To make it easier to manage the data, it is best to open the file in Microsoft Excel.
- To do this, close the Notepad window and open Microsoft Excel
- Select FILE > OPEN and then navigate to the .txt file that was exported by the WU-1
- The TEXT IMPORT WIZARD will then open in Excel to help convert the .txt file to columns that you can manage
- Choose FIXED WIDTH, then select NEXT
- In the next screen of the TEXT IMPORT WIZARD, use the DATA PREVIEW to create, delete, or move column break lines to be similar to the below example:
- Once the column breaks are added appropriately, select FINISH
- Add a new row above the first row of data to make room for the addition of column headers
- Use the following as a guide to understanding the columns of data to create appropriate column headers, there are two scenarios
- (the numbers in parenthesis in each column below is the number of characters assigned for that column)
ID Number | Tool Number | Work Name | Work Serial Number | - | Remaining Number | Total Judgement | Output Torque Value (Nm) | Torque Judgement |
Free Running Angle (degrees) |
Tightening Angle (degrees) |
Free Running Time (seconds) |
Tightening Time (seconds) | Number of Pulses | Angle Judgement | [BLANK] | Timestamp |
(4) | (1) | (1) | (4) | (1) | (2) | (1) | (5) | (1) | (4) | (3) | (4) | (4) | (4) | (3) | (1) |
(15) |
2) IF Bolt Number Management Function was OFF at the time the data was created, the data structure will be as follows:
ID Number | Tool Number | Work Name | Total tightening Quantity | Total Judgement | Output Torque Value (Nm) | Torque Judgement |
Free Running Angle (degrees) |
Tightening Angle (degrees) |
Free Running Time (seconds) |
Tightening Time (seconds) | Number of Pulses | Angle Judgement | [BLANK] | Timestamp |
(4) | (1) | (1) | (4) | (1) | (5) | (1) | (4) | (3) | (4) | (4) | (4) | (3) | (1) |
(15) |
Details of text contents for each string (row) of data:
- Note - a '_' represents a blank space when the actual result does not require the digit / space to be used.
Item | Reference |
ID |
Indicates the preset ID of the tool
Tool Number |
Indicates the tool number position the tool was assigned to
Work Name |
Indicates the name of the work used to generate the tightening result
Batch Serial Number |
Serial number of the tightened batch
Remaining Number |
When the bolt number management is ON, output remain number of the corresponding work number
Total Tightening Number |
When the bolt number management is OFF, output the total tightening number number
Total Judgement |
Output the judgement concerning the tightening (A = PASS, N = FAIL); total judgement is a combination with the judgement like the torque judgement combined with the angle judgement, etc. The overall result.
Output Torque Value |
Output the measured torque value in Nm (only Nm is available)
Torque Judgement |
Judgement of the torque result only. Not considering other monitoring settings such as pulses or angle, etc.
Free Running Angle |
Output the measured degrees of angle of the output shaft during the rundown phase (START TORQUE to SWITCH TORQUE)
Tightening Angle |
Output the measured degrees of angle of the output shaft during the tightening phase (SWITCH TORQUE to CUT TORQUE)
Free Running Time |
Output the measured amount of time of the rundown phase (START TORQUE to SWITCH TORQUE) in seconds
Tightening Time |
Output the measured amount of time of the output shaft during the tightening phase (SWITCH TORQUE to CUT TORQUE) in seconds
Number of Tightening Pulses |
Output the number of tightening pulses counted from the start torque to cut torque
Angle or Pulses Judgement |
Judgement of the angle or pulse result only.
Timestamp |
Output of the timestamp that the cycle data was created
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