This video walks the user through the steps needed to properly inspect and lubricate the W7152 Impact for continued smooth operation and long life.
W7152 Service Lubrication
W7152 W7152 Lubrificação do Mecanismo de Impacto e Engrenagem Planetária
Este vídeo orienta o usuário pelas etapas necessárias referentes a inspeção e lubrificação da Chave de Impacto W7152 para obter uma operação suave de forma contínua e longa vida útil
W7152 - Lubricación del mecanismo de bola y leva.
Este video guía al usuario a través de los pasos necesarios para inspeccionar y lubricar correctamente el W7152 Impact para un funcionamiento suave continuo y una vida útil prolongada.
Outstanding information & video of proper lubrication of the Ingersoll Rand W7150 series of Electric 20 Volt. Impact Tools ! Well Done, I was thinking that only after 10 hours of use that my bearings were already worn because of screeching noises coming from my 1/2 I.R. W7152 Wrench ? However it is bushed & only needed cleaning & lubrication. I’m glad I had resorted to put a drop or two of air toll oil too it at first @ the front however with limited information on what the proper procedure was due in fact to my neglecting to consult Ingersoll Rand directly as I was searching for bearings & found this on there website under Tool Help, via I.R. ! This information & the video is vital to all Ingersoll Rand tool operators & owners/users ! I am very grateful & thankful too have located it ! It was kinda difficult for me to find because I was searching by my first instinct as I thought it was a permanently sealed system using sealed roller bearings & thus found this information instead, Thankfully ! It is a great system but needs regular scheduled proper cleaning & lubrication like everything else does ! Once seen & understood it’s better than a permanently sealed bearing system using bushings & lubrication reducing both weight & cost of repair parts & the longevity of the Tools ! Everyone needs too know & understand this procedure too keep a Great Tool running great ! I will do my best to post it where it will help others so they don’t destroy there tools from a simple lack of maintenance that’s required for proper tool use & life !
Thanks Again, Ingersoll Rand.
Sincerely & Respectfully !
John D Watson
R.E. I.R. W7152 1/2 Impact 20V. Electric Wrench/Tool.
Keep up the Good Work, Ingersoll Rand !
Thank-You !
John D Watson
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